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NaNoWriMo means Veronica is organising me AGAIN.

My daughter Veronica is a writer, she can spin words into beautiful spirals creating characters who you care about and stories that you ache to read.

Last year Veronica joined in with other writers to complete the NaNoWriMo writing challenge, which in a nutshell, is fifty thousand words in a month.

One of the inevitable offshoots of Veronica being productive, is that she then expects me to be equally productive.

Telephone conversations are now peppered with ominous phrases like,

“… it will be good for you Mum, last year was good for you.”

“…or maybe you could do THIS, have you thought about THAT?”

So, as my daughter busies herself with plot outlines and admiring her newest Nano T-shirt, I need to think up a project that involves the blog for the month of November. Last year, Veronica made me promise to photograph my work and publish a photo a day for the whole of November. I think I lasted about six days before I became bored with it and wandered off to play with something shiny.

I am almost at peak unfitness, as I have recently discovered that the Bellerive Bakehouse make the BEST jam donuts. Ever.

I have to drive past the donut shop of doom, to visit my son and a combination of jam donuts, tim tams and cheese toasties, whilst covering all the food groups of the soul, are impacting on my expanding waistline.

Enter Veronica and her projects.

I need to start walking again and so dear internets, I am going to go for a walk every day for November. As I live three quarters of the way up a bloody great hill the walking is not an easy stroll. In order to lessen my suffering, I am going to take the camera with me.

If I can stop puffing for long enough to focus the camera, I will take three photos on my walk and on my collapse back here, I will publish one photo a day for the WHOLE of November.

I am not sure if I am excited or terrified.

Happy clouds, dancing just for me..

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  • Adriana Christianson October 30, 2013, 7:44 am

    I want a photo of the donut :/

    • frogpondsrock October 30, 2013, 9:11 am

      Well I am driving past the donut shop of doom today Adriana and so I can buy a packet as a sort of last hurrah, *sobs*

  • sleepydwarf October 30, 2013, 8:14 am

    Great plan Kim. Looking forward to seeing the photos. I tried NANOWRIMO once. I think I lasted about 10 days and my story kind of fizzled out, I started to get neck pain from typing too much and [insert any other excuse you can think of]. It’s on my “one day” list.

    • frogpondsrock October 30, 2013, 9:14 am

      I am far too distractable. A blog post is about the extent of my writing limits. Plus I do not have any interest in writing long stories. You need to protect your neck Barb 🙂

  • Helena October 30, 2013, 9:18 am

    Good on you!!! I was getting hungry just reading your list of yummies….. I have great faith in you my dear (you CAN do this – if you want to, of course!) xxx

  • janet October 30, 2013, 11:55 am

    Oh, good! I can’t wait to see your pictures. I’ve been trying to walk more, too… but it’s getting colder and colder here.
    I’ll just have to dress for it. Our sandy peninsula isn’t too hilly, so that helps me out.

    Although I love to read novels, I’ve never considered writing one. I think I’ll keep it that way.

  • river October 30, 2013, 4:12 pm

    I agree with Adriana, photos of donuts please.
    So, Bellerive Bakehouse…..I’ve written that down, just in case I ever make it to Tassie.
    I keep telling myself to walk more, that’s as far as I’ve got.

  • Elephant's Child October 30, 2013, 6:19 pm

    I am excited – because I LOVE your photos. I understand your terror, but the greedy side of me is winning. Happy dances.

  • Barbara October 30, 2013, 7:07 pm

    Hurrah – I am vastly looking forward to you going out with your camera everyday. Also – surely if you’re walking up a blummin mountain every day you can afford to eat the odd doughnut every now and then?!

  • Mary October 31, 2013, 5:38 am

    Hey Kim taking the camera for a walk is a brilliant idea! Minnie loves our blockies but she pulls my arms out and burns the rubber on my walking shoes especially if another dog starts barking at us from behind their territorial fence line. Minnie and I should join you this November!