I am on a list.
A very special list. (This is where you all go, YAY and punch the air above your computers!)
A list that is calculated by an algorithm, not by the number of votes you can pester your friends into giving you.
A list that isnt created by a PR company or a brand wanting link backs.
A list that was featured on a daytime Television show back in 2009 when the Australian blogsophere was still just a very small group.
A list that has been around for as long as I have been blogging and has been used as a yardstick for success for a while now.
The list began in October 2007 and after a rather long hiatus is back in action, bigger and better than ever. The directory will showcase the wonderfully talented Women Bloggers we have in Australia, a celebration of women blogging, across ALL niche, no matter what you blog about.
Blogs are ranked by an algorithm which combines a variety of metrics from Google, Alexa, Yahoo and Klout, it is by no means completely accurate. But it helps give a good snapshot of the women blogging in Australia.
Why am I drawing you attention to this list I hear you ask? Why am I flag waving furiously for this list? Why,why, why?
I will tell you.
But first you need to imagine that there is some sort of rousing musical anthem being played in the background.
I want you all to stand here with me in this proud moment in history and savour the glory with me.
I want you all to high five the air in front of your computers and imagine me high fiving the air back at you ( in slow motion of course)
I wont be in the top 100 for very long and I wanted to share my fleeting moment of glory with you all.
I want to have on public record that I was on a list that mattered. Once.
Once, back in the olden days when life was different and social networks called Plurk were all the rage, when Myspace was still in favour, when bloggers could photograph alien spaceships and search for Zombies in the local hospital. When life was rosy within the blogosphere and we all sat around virtual campfires singing kumbaya. When we all linked to each other because it was good manners and not because we thought we had to. When lists mattered and technorati was the be all and end all of ranking.
Aah those were the days my friend.