In the little over two weeks that Amy has had to eat gluten the change in my grand daughter’s behaviour has been quite extreme.
We went to visit yesterday and found Vonnie and Nathan cleaning up poo in Amy’s bedroom. Amy had pooed on the carpet and then played in it.There was shit everywhere, on the floor, on the toys, up the wall and all over Amy herself.
After Amy had been cleaned up and allowed out of time-out up she came to snuggle on my lap and we had a bit of a talk about how dogs poo on the ground and people poo in the toilet but I am not sure it sunk in at all. As Amy wasn’t really there and had difficulty making eye contact with me. *sigh*
Later when we were reading a book together and talking about the pictures in the book, it was also glaringly obvious that Amy’s speech patterns have regressed as well. Half of her sentences were a nonsensical babble.
If I didn’t know that gluten was causing these issues I would be inclined to think that Amy was destined for a life on ADHD medication and/or a classification of being on the Autistic spectrum.
I know that last sentence is a huge call BUT I cannot stress enough how drastically different Amy is. She is all over the shop the poor little darling.
Amy has lost her ability to concentrate for longer than a few seconds. She has a rash on her face and her back. Her speech has regressed. She doesn’t listen and wont make eye contact.She has stopped using the toilet. Her sleep pattens have changed and the tantrums and meltdowns are back with a vengeance.
As I left Veronica yesterday I hugged my daughter and we both said the same thing, “Six more days.” Six more days to go and then the evil gluten can be eliminated from Amy’s diet again and we will have our little girl back. I am looking forward to hearing some happiness in my daughter’s voice again as well, because I am sure that Veronica is only just hanging on by her fingernails.