Yay!! It is that time of the week again. Go and check out Lotus the lovely Sarcastic mom and while you are there you should really try to find the time to visit some lovely photographers that share their Weekly Winners as well…
I stopped on my way to TAFE this morning to take these photos of the river.
I had to stop driving because honestly I was spending more time looking at the river than at the road..
I was running really late by now but the river was just too gorgeous.
It was a beautiful morning. I am pleased that I stopped and spent ten minutes photographing the Derwent. It was a good thing I didn’t have my fishing rod in the back of the car or I might have been tempted to have a bit of a fish as well.
Here are my winners for this week… YAY!!! There are heaps more over at Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom’s place. Go on over and have a quick gander…
This first photo is a Retro Shot.. Veronica and my Mum. I reckon that Vonnie was probably about two.
It has been a cold, grey and ultimately snowy week this week brrr and “yes it does SO snow in Australia” Halfway through posting these photos I was starting to suffer from an overdose of greyness so I found some peaches for a reminder of summer colour.. cheers kim xxx
First thing in the morning (6 am on a school day *sigh*) I stumble out to the kitchen, put the kettle on, turn on the computer and let the dog out (spoiled hound sleeps inside). I glanced out the window this morning and half noticed that there had been a heavy frost, a very heavy frost. It was still dark and I didn’t really take that much notice because my eyes needed coffee. Does that happen to you? Do your eyes see things but fail to send the messages to your brain, but once you have had your first coffee the images start hitting you hard and fast?
Anyway the dog hadn’t appeared, asking to be let outside (sook). So I drank my coffee and did all the essential first thing in the morning stuff like checking my emails and quickly reading a few blogs. Then it dawned on me it wasn’t a heavy frost it was snow. YAY..
There was less than 2 inches of snow but it was enough to make me Happy..
And then I was faced with a dilemma, which shoes do I choose?
Hmmm tough decision..
But it worked for me.
Hehehe the mystery object was a close-up of my mask and yes I was modelling it at the time.
Some of the ingredients in glazes are pretty toxic and the dust in dry clay can cause silicosis so a good mask is a pretty important piece of equipment. There is also the added advantage of being able to run around pretending to be Darth Vader.. Thanks for having a go.. cheers Kim xxx
I would like to thank everyone for your emails, nice comments, cyber hugs and prayers. I really really appreciate it. Thankyou. Mum received the results of her biopsy today and whilst the news wasn’t good it also wasn’t hopelessly bad. Mum needs to travel to Melbourne for a P.E.T scan thingy and once we get the results from that we will be able to formulate a plan of attack. You can nick over to Veronica’s for a bit more info if you like.
There actually is a P.E.T scanner thing here. It is just outside Hobart in a bloody great big cardboard box shipping container. Typically there is some bureaucratic bullshit happening and a rather large, quite useful and very expensive piece of medical equipment is sitting in storage until some useless dickhead politician decides to sign a release form.. Or at least that is what we were shown on the local news tonight. *sigh*
I didn’t get much sleep last night and because my sleepless toddler has grown up.. I am all out of practice at functioning on minimal sleep.
So I will finish up with a mystery object… What do you reckon this is my lovelies???
My brain is still all foggy. I am having trouble remembering what I am supposed to be doing and I have absolutely no interest in food whatsoever. My lack of reliable brain function actually reminds me very much of how I felt when I was pregnant. At least then I had the prospect of a baby to look forward to.
So I was rather pleased to look out the window this morning and watch the fog rolling in. It seemed quite apt really. A grey foggy day to match my grey foggy mood.
So when I am sitting down at my computer if I look out the window to the left of me, this is what I can see.
Then if I stretch in my seat and peer over the top of my computer, this is what I can see.
Now I will take a photo of my computer space, so that you can see where I am right now and hopefully get a clearer idea of what I am waffling on about..
There is a door to my left that takes me out onto my balcony where I can take lovely shots like the ones that I just showed you or if I am feeling arty I can take some shots like this one..
We get the results of Mum’s biopsy tomorrow at 10 am. Veronica and Mum are going to the doctors together and I am staying here at my home babysitting Amy. I have run out of words for the moment.. So I will finish up with a photo of my mum, taken last week on David’s Birthday xxx Kim
It has been a grey sort of week, weatherwise. It has been bitterly cold and we have finally had some much needed rain. If I haven’t been in the car driving all and sundry all over the countryside, I have been stuck inside. So I have only taken one or two decent shots of the sky this week and I will include these at the end. I found some really nice sky shots in my archives and this week I would like to share them with you.
To see some lovely photography or to join in the fun just visit Lotus. After all this is all her idea.
I really hope that you all enjoy my mystery object posts as much as I do. Some of the answers this week just cracked me up.
James reckoned that it was an avalanche on the moon…. ok my high school science is a bit rusty but don’t you need gravity to have an avalanche? I cant remember. It was an interesting train of thought though and I must remember to look it up.. Maybe Mrs C could find out for me?
Tiff thought that it was three week old scrambled eggs. I got the giggles at the thought of an alternate reality where leftovers actually exist long enough to go the pretty colours that River suggested.
Xbox was accused of pinching Tracey’s idea and Lou thought that the Mysterious object could possibly be vomit swirling down the drain..mmm Methinks Lou might have a hangover. It couldn’t possibly be vomit anyway because there aren’t any carrot chunks..
It was indeed concrete being mixed in a mixer.. Yay for Hyphen Mama. Hyphen is the winner..YAY.. There isn’t a prize for correctly guessing the mystery object. There is however a gazillion tons of glory and a badge/photo/button? thingy for your sidebar if you would like to grab it.. Yay Hyphen-Mama *Woot*
Well that is about as much excitement as I can manage this morning hehehehe… cheers Kim xxx