Here we go “Dear Readers”… What do you reckon this is????
I had to Vacuum today. Yes I know that I say “Vacuuming is bad for your soul!!!” But someone had to do it *sigh* and that someone was me..
It all started when I noticed that there were potato chips in the cobwebs above the computer. Yes chips. They totally distracted me from the awesome blog that I was reading.
Then my mind started to boggle. How did the chips get into the cobwebs?
Had a mouse tried to carry the chippies into a likely looking mouse hole? Only to get a terrible shock when confronted by a spider already occupying the hole?
Was the spider in need of a salty snack???
Or Had a certain teenaged son thrown the chips at the cobwebs in the hope that the spider would do something??
Putting thoughts of teenagers, spiders and salty snacks firmly out of my mind. I went searching for the vacuum cleaner and was unlucky enough to find the rotten thing exactly where I had left it.
As I vacuumed I pondered the actual state of my soul. When I was a small child terrorised terrified taught by the nuns, I spent a lot of time obsessing about my soul. The nuns beat into us taught us that every sin left a smudge of dirt on our pure white souls. I worried about my soul, ( as only a five year old child can worry) an awful lot.
I was convinced that my soul was as black as black could be, because surely didn’t the nuns tell us what a sinful lot of little beasts we were full of venal and mortal sins..*sigh*
I don’t really know where I am going with this, except that I have been thinking about organised religion and God botherers and morality and stuff and I am just blurbing it out here.
I have been thinking about how it is generally the people who are most vocal about their chosen religion are the same people who aren’t really very nice or very generous of spirit.
For example:
The guy who shot my dog a few years ago started his sentences with,”I like to think I am a Christian But..” But what exactly? Because he was ‘saved’ did that mean he could run about the place being an Arsehole ‘ secure in the knowledge that his “Christianness” exempted him from having to use basic good manners?
Mrs C wrote a post that has had me thinking a lot about how we treat each other. Especially about how we treat those who are different from us. How we treat those that we are afraid of.
I think that I have run out of steam here. *phew*
I stopped worrying about my soul long long ago.(except when I vacuum of course)..
oh and you can click on the photos to make them bigger if you like.. cheers kim..
edited to add:
Yes, David put the chips in the cobweb.. He wanted to see what the spider would do. He also wanted to see how long it would take me to notice. ( 3 days oops!!! )
Here are my winners this week. A very good friend has just discovered my blog.
* Waves Hi Bindy *
These photos are for you my dear.. xxx…
I have just calculated my family’s ecological footprint. It is not good. We are living as if there are 1.9 planet’s resources available for us to squander. OOOPS!!!!!
I have done this type of calculation before but it was a British version. I like the fact that this one is designed for Australians.
What is your ecological footprint????
*edited to add….
Please don’t let the fact that this is an ‘Australian’ calculator thingy put you off doing the test.. cheers kim 🙂
The Mystery Object was a closeup shot of some black plastic.
Once again Dirty Laundry Diva was scarily accurate with her guess..
Tiff from my three ring circus was also very very close. Tiff thought that the Mystery Object was, garbage bags stacked close together..
Here is another shot of the same piece of plastic..(Just to show certain male commenters that I haven’t fiddled with the colours or done anything to make them go all sooky *snort*)
Thanks to everybody for having a go at “The Mystery Object” cheers kim
Once again It is my pleasure to present to the world…..drumroll pleeeease..
The Mystery Object… Tadaa..
I was ‘bloghopping’ last night and I clicked over to Tina at country stitchin’
Tina is having a raffle to raise funds to send her daughter’s year 6/7 class to camp.
So can you please click over to Tina at country stitchin’ and buy a raffle ticket or two..
cheers Kim
No Matter how many different ways I write “WEEKLY WINNERS” It still equals FUN.
You will find lots of fun people with lots of fun photos at Lotus‘. The home of WEEKLY WINNERS YAY!!!!!!
Um, lets see it is a tarp/ plastic covering that is outside… Perhaps used to cover plants or patio furniture?