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Funny thing, This blogging…

I was reading a post written by Hyphen-Mama where she talks about the impact blogging has had on her life. H-M  wrote..

[….My real life friends (and there are not many of them) don’t blog. I find myself saying things like “there’s this blogger woman who…..” Then I feel stupid. They believe I live in this fairy land of “invisible people” who I may or may not be making up. “Sure, Hyphen, tell me more about this woman in Tasmania who grows frogs and is just like my sister.” Rolls eyes. Smiles. “Hyphen needs a hobby, have you tried knitting?”….]

I have found that blogging has had an enormous impact on my life. Yet I don’t talk about it much in real life because people think that I am either making things up or that I am in danger of losing my marbles. Or then there are the people who are openly dismissive and/or scornful. I have given up trying to explain to the spouse that for ‘fuck sake’.. I am NOT PLAYING on the computer. *Sigh*

I just print things out that I am proud of and leave them lying around where he can find them. He loved the conversation that Xbox and I had and he cracked up laughing at parts of it  but but but there was still the silent implication that this isn’t real you know Kimmy.. *sighs again*

I feel immensely proud of Veronica and I have watched  her blossom into an accomplished and very funny writer.

I have found a whole community of people that I have come to care about very much.

I worry about Ivy and I admire Tiff. I had to go out into the garden this morning and ‘earth myself’ when I read that ET wasn’t pregnant.

I could add link after link name lots of names of people that have touched me. But I wont because seriously I don’t have enough time to do you all justice.

I will end with a question though.. How has blogging changed your thinking? Can you talk about your blogging to non-bloggers? Am I a figment of my own imagination? oops that was 3 questions sorry don’t answer the last one.. hehehehe  Cheers Kim xxx


Mystery Object Revealed… Tadaaa!!!!

Here is the  photo of this weeks mystery object. Once again there were some good answers, mostly food related though mmm.

There were some interesting answers as well. Apparently lou thinks that I am a cadaver. The pattern of veins in your left butt cheek was his guess..

Xbox4Nappyrash was reminded of his phlegm.. noice very very noice…

River was hoping that it was paint and Kelley was the closest with her guess..

Kelley Says:
May 8th, 2008 at 3:49 pm e

marble something? Like a platter?

Kelleys last blog post..I am a woman of my word, Iceel you bastard.

This is a large plate or platter mould.  I have filled it with liquid clay (slip). The mystery object was a close-up photo of the clay in its liquid form..

This is the platter once I had pulled the mould apart. You might remember that I offered an handmade platter as a prize ages and ages ago.. Well this is it. in its very early raw state.. Petra’s platter…

I poured the slip into the mould on Wednesday afternoon, (that’s when I took the photo) On Thursday afternoon I carefully lifted the top off the mould and let the platter air dry until this morning (Friday), when  I was able to transport it safely to the studio at TAFE .. *Phew*..

I will keep you posted on this particular platters progress, if you like?

cheers kim


Mystery Object??????

Here we go ‘my lovelies’ Yet another Mystery object to stretch your imaginations… Have fun..


Let’s talk about sex..

My spam emails have been giving me a bit of a giggle lately. I have been intrigued by catchy little lines like this gem:-

MALE FEATURE WORTHY OF CASANOVA! Of course I then opened the email to read this. Don’t you want to spend your life suffering from your moderate love luger?

Well no actually, I dont. And how exactly does one suffer from a moderate love luger hmmm???

Then there was this, “Love tool deserving of a titan” with the following promise.

“You’ll cause her eyebrows to raise, when you pull out your newly upgraded love gun!”

I think I would do more than raise my eyebrows if my hubby’s penis had suddenly turned into a gun.

Another reference to a ‘love luger’ promised, As it grows longer, she will beg of you to penetrate her flower!

Ok, so if I am not mistaken, penises  are guns, whilst vaginas are pretty flowers. So now I can just casually mention to the spouse that my flower needs shooting, and I don’t even need to say the word sex anymore. I could even yell it out loudly in public, “Jeffreeey shoot my flower” and casual passers by would just think  that I was having issues with the roses. Hmmm…

I just raced out to the shed, camera in hand and demanded that Jeffrey shoot my flower. Here is his reaction. Yes, he is looking at me like I am a total nutter.

Rightio now back to the emails.

Then we have the miracle cures.    Add 2 inches to your dick size easily with just 2 pills of our formula per day.

At least this one called a penis a dick, I was getting a bit tired of lugers. There were promises of permanent huge enlargements of your erect penis. Wouldn’t you get a bit tired with a permanently erect penis even if it was huge?  Well it would be fun initially but I am sure that it would be a bit of a nuisance after a while and If the penis is as large as these miracle pills promise, well then there is a very real danger of slamming your penis in the car door or schwacking it accidentally or even *gasp* receiving a black eye from your own penis.

Phew I am glad I only have a flower.


Just Stuff…

It has been one of those weeks. One of those weeks where I really feel like putting on these socks, frizzing up my hair, grabbing my hat and my broomstick and just fucking right off to Alaska. Except Julie isn’t there yet.. *sigh*

My camera decided to die. My gorgeous boy Smoochie cat (aka Blacknuts) had to be euthanased. My teenage son is being a ‘teenager from hell’ or just being a typical male of the species (I haven’t quite worked that one out yet *sigh*.)

And to top it all off A whole batch of tomato relish has bloody well fermented on me..

But as you might have sort of guessed, I am an optimist.

and there also is a slight problem associated with this broom. Look at it. Would you ride that broom all the way to Alaska???  Nope, me either..

So it looks like you are all stuck with me for a little bit longer..

So seeing as I am going to be sticking around, Can you please, please update my linky thingy on your blogrolls and re-do the subscribe to me thingy as well.. Pretty please with sugar and stuff…   cheers kim xxx?


weekly winners

It is time for this Week’s, Weekly Winners. This is also the first  batch of winners here at my new site..My new site that my Amazingly Talented and Gorgeous as well as Brilliant and Witty, albeit Sleep Deprived  daughter Veronica created for me.. So please excuse me if my photos aren’t formatted that  well. I am still getting the hang of my new site..

Also this week I managed to break my trusty little camera. (all sympathy gratefully accepted) So I don’t have any photos that I have taken this week at all. I rummaged through my archives and managed to find a few shots to post.. So without further ado and with many thanks and hugs to Lotus, here are my winners…


Mystery object revealed.. tadaa!!!

Tadaaa!!!  Here is the Mystery object revealed.. Well sort of revealed. It is in fact a close up of one of David’s Crystals.

Once again I had some excellent comments. Old Knusden reckoned that Jackson Pollock had vomited and called it  art..

But Lou was the closest with his guess, That it was a glass candle holder seen close up.   Thanks for all your guesses,  you make me happy..  Cheers Kim xxx


Mystery Object?????

Here we go my lovelies… Yet another Mystery object for you to ponder upon. Have fun….


Real cats catch Rats..

“Real cats catch Rats”.. If this cat could have spoken the human language, that would have been his catch-phrase. As it is I am using it as his epitaph. We think that Smooch might possibly have picked up a poison bait but we will never know for sure. I just know that my cat is dead and I am really sad…

Smooch wouldn’t catch mice. They were beneath his notice. Mice were ‘womens work’. Smooch caught rats, rabbits and the occasional wallaby. Birds were beneath his notice as well. That was possibly because he knew that he couldn’t swap a parrot for milk. Rats, rabbits and the occasional wallaby were all swapped for MiiiiiiiiiiLLLLKKKK..

I had written about Smooch last year, I told the story of how he came to choose us. Little did I think that only a few months later I would be writing about him again..

Smooch aka Blacknuts 1998 – 2008


And Now for Something Completely Different…

Hello, Hello , Hellooo!!!!

Look! Look! Look!

I will now stop saying everything three times *giggles* Look what my gorgeous daughter Veronica has done.. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous Veronica, Yes I know that was another set of three but I am really excited..

Yesterday, Veronica told me that she had a pressie for me and that it was big, really really big. I didn’t have any idea at all and No! She wasn’t going to tell me over the phone. No! She wasn’t going to give me a little hint, etc.. etc.. etc.. hehehehe I thought that maybe she had made me something like, a collage of  photos of Amy or that  it was possibly something really cool, like a box of novels that she had been given…

I certainly wasn’t expecting this…. Never in a Million Years, a Trillion or even a Brazillion years was I expecting to be a dot com and a dot com here at wordpress too.. wow..

Everything that you see here was designed by my gorgeous talented brilliant daughter.

All my plug-ins are plugged in. All my widgets have been widged. My old posts complete with comments have been imported..

All thanks to Veronica. She of the sleepless nights and the super slow dialup internet has managed to design all this with a toddler underfoot and I am totally rapt… thank you sweetheart..

Thank You Very Very Very Much…..