I was reading a post written by Hyphen-Mama where she talks about the impact blogging has had on her life. H-M wrote..
I have found that blogging has had an enormous impact on my life. Yet I don’t talk about it much in real life because people think that I am either making things up or that I am in danger of losing my marbles. Or then there are the people who are openly dismissive and/or scornful. I have given up trying to explain to the spouse that for ‘fuck sake’.. I am NOT PLAYING on the computer. *Sigh*
I just print things out that I am proud of and leave them lying around where he can find them. He loved the conversation that Xbox and I had and he cracked up laughing at parts of it but but but there was still the silent implication that this isn’t real you know Kimmy.. *sighs again*
I feel immensely proud of Veronica and I have watched her blossom into an accomplished and very funny writer.
I have found a whole community of people that I have come to care about very much.
I worry about Ivy and I admire Tiff. I had to go out into the garden this morning and ‘earth myself’ when I read that ET wasn’t pregnant.
I could add link after link name lots of names of people that have touched me. But I wont because seriously I don’t have enough time to do you all justice.
I will end with a question though.. How has blogging changed your thinking? Can you talk about your blogging to non-bloggers? Am I a figment of my own imagination? oops that was 3 questions sorry don’t answer the last one.. hehehehe Cheers Kim xxx
May 8th, 2008 at 3:49 pm e
marble something? Like a platter?
Kelleys last blog post..I am a woman of my word, Iceel you bastard.
I poured the slip into the mould on Wednesday afternoon, (that’s when I took the photo) On Thursday afternoon I carefully lifted the top off the mould and let the platter air dry until this morning (Friday), when I was able to transport it safely to the studio at TAFE .. *Phew*..
I will keep you posted on this particular platters progress, if you like?
cheers kim